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Get your very own personal trainer! 

The class environment isn't for everyone - perhaps you have a dog who you think will likely struggle being around other dogs?


Or maybe you are shy and would prefer a little individual attention? 


Or you have a new puppy and are having problems with a certain aspect of their behaviour, either inside or outside the home, and you think they would benefit from a personalised training plan? 


Here is where I come in - as a qualified and experienced trainer armed with the knowledge of clinical animal behaviour, I am well-equipped to help you with any aspect of your puppy's, adolescent, or adult dog's training needs.


This can range from toilet training, independence training, and how to politely greet other people/dogs to recall, and loose lead walking. 


If you think you could benefit from this service and would like to know more, please contact me and we can quickly discuss how I can help you. 


Group classes can be tremendously helpful and cost-effective for everyday training issues that most people struggle with regarding dog ownership.


However, I have found from personal experience that the issue that brings someone to a group class for dog training would be more effectively resolved with a 1-2-1 session, saving both time and money in the long run and reducing both dog and owner frustration. 


Most dogs don't need more socialisation, they need more structured socialisation and a class environment is great for exposing your dog to other people and dogs in a controlled environment. But if your dog struggles to pay attention to you with social distractions around or their preferred rewards do not work and no learning is taking place, this can mean both time and money are wasted and you are in the same position you started in.

Sessions are 1 hour long and can be in your home or outdoors, depending on what the particular issue is that you need help with.


Priced at £70 per session, most common training issues usually just need one session to solve them, but we can have a chat about your particular problem and I can advise how many sessions you will likely need. 


To start, please fill in this online form and I will get back in touch with you.

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